Thursday, 24 December 2009
Giraffe Greetings of the Season!

Wednesday, 2 December 2009
Where's the best place for our fabulous photo?

Some time ago, at the Secret Portal behind the Intergalactic Cacti, a beautiful shell photograph arrived for me from Country Girl!
The whole family fell in love with its subtle colours and entrancing spiral shape receding softly into the background.
After having it framed, we have nexperimented with hanging it in various rooms. As usual, the family all want to hang it in different places ... I'm calling on you, dear bloggy friends, to help us in the nexciting task of deciding!
I rather like it by the fireplace, near Derrick's Melrose photos, so I can gaze at it in comfort from my rocking chair ...

Sounds familiar! But it wouldn't benefit the rest of us, as she doesn't allow anyone in her room ...
Over to you! Where would you hang the lovely shell photo if you lived in our house?
And of course, a big giraffy Thank You to Country Girl for our wonderful present! Do visit her blog, Chronicles of a Country Girl, and see all her beautiful photographs.
Sunday, 15 November 2009
A Tree of Gold

Monday, 9 November 2009
November Dream-digging

November is very special in Giraffe World. It is dream-digging time!
As you know, dear bloggy-friends, our gleeful motto is 'Stick your neck out for your dreams!' During the year, our dreams often become a little clouded. We use this time of new beginning to review and re-energize our aspirations.
First of all, we take special leaves from the garden, and write onto them our cherished dreams for the year to come.
Then as a whole family, we busily dig over our vegetable plots ready for winter. Even youngest child Littl' Nicky loves to help, and is very nexcited about our dream-digging!

As the moon rises, we all go out to the Forest to collect fallen leaves from among the pale dappled tree-trunks.
Friday, 30 October 2009
Happy Birthday Weaver of Grass, and Happy Hallowe'en Everyone!

(Did you know, Weaver, that you were the first human to comment on my blog!)
Here Maureen and I and Littl' Nicky are strolling down one of our favourite lanes past the tall barn at the edge of the Wood. There's a lovely Autumn feel in the air, and the breeze is swishing through the trees. The Wood beckons and we lift our necks in glee knowing we have a lovely walk ahead of us.
Here's a special 'spooky' picture, taken in our Forest. (Necky Becky wanted to be on this one!) Our trees like to dance before the moon, and we'll soon be having our Hallowe'en party! (We haven't a clue what Hallowe'en is about, but all you dear bloggy friends seem to enjoy it, so we thought we'd stick our necks out and celebrate it too!).
Wednesday, 14 October 2009
Our Nextra Day Nexcursion from September 31st

Here in Giraffe World we have what are known as Nextra Days. These are special days which some other planets do not have, and one of them is September 31st. We giraffes do so love to visit Planet Earth, and the best time to do so en masse is when we cannot be seen by humans! So it was with great nexcitement that we all piled into the Tours Bus at dawn for our journey through the Secret Portal behind the Intergalactic Cacti. ...

Saturday, 19 September 2009
An intergalactic surprise from Bindu!

It was with great nexcitement that I went looking for our Tours bus the other day ... I had heard from the keeper of the Secret Intergalactic Cacti that there was a package from Bindu awaiting me at the Portal!
Monday, 14 September 2009
The Giraffaway Winners!

Our eldest daughter Nexi had neatly written all the entrants' names on pieces of paper and dropped them into our favourite teapot. Littl' Nicky was bouncing around with nexcitement as Maureen placed the teapot on a little stool so he could reach into it to draw the first winning name.

"Here!" called Nexi, "I'll read it out - Number One - BT The Crafty Gardener!"
There was a round of applause, and Maureen and I did a little dance.

Maureen gave the teapot a vigorous shake, and Littl' Nicky reached into the pot. "Nummy Two!"
There was a loud shriek from Nexi as something wet and soggy landed in her hand. It was a teabag!

"Oh, Necky Becky, you were supposed to empty and dry the teapot!" chided Maureen.
Necky Becky glared and looked sulky.

Littl' Nicky put his hand into the pot again, and this time pulled out another slip of paper. "This is Nummy Two and I can read it, Mummy," he called delightedly, "It says 'Janet'!"
We all cheered again.

"This next one is the last one!" called Maureen.
"Nummy Three" said Littl' Nicky, pulling another slip out of the teapot.
Nexi peeled open the soggy paper.
"Dad, there are two slips here - stuck together with the wet!"
"A nextra prize, a nextra prize!" chanted Littl' Nicky joyfully.
Maureen looked at the pieces of paper. "This is thanks to Necky Becky not emptying the tea - we have four lucky winners instead of three!"

Necky Becky's sulky face lit up with a big smile.
"Number Three, Barbara Martin!" she yelled, "And Number Four, Heather!"
So here we are - congratulations to the four lucky winners of our first Giraffaway! I will be contacting you to organize the intergalactic dispatch of the giraffe cards you have chosen.
Thank you to all dear bloggy friends who entered, it's been great fun and I'm sure this will be the first of many Giraffaways at Necky Knoll House!
Tuesday, 8 September 2009
Giveaways for me - Giveaways for you!

I'm really nexcited! I've won two giveaways: beautiful bookmarks by Bindu and a lovely shell photograph by Country Girl, and eagerly await their appearance at the Secret Portal behind the Cacti! I will feature them on my blog when they arrive.
And another cause for nexcitement at Necky Knoll House is that Maureen and I have launched an Interneck shop for our giraffe cards, which we have called Giraffe Greetings!

Our IT nexpert, Nekky Tekky, has set up a special intergalactic portal, which means we are not limited to serving giraffes in our Camelopardalis constellation, but can nextend our services to planet Earth.

Inspired by the giveaways of my fellow bloggers, we thought it would be fun to celebrate in bloggyland with a special greeting card giraffaway - a gift of four giraffe cards each to three bloggy friends!

If you'd like the chance to win four of our giraffy cards, here's how: decide which four cards from our Giraffe Greetings shop you like best, and leave me a comment with their titles. On Sunday at noon GWT, (Giraffe World Time), I will put your names on folded bits of paper into my favourite teapot, and let Littl' Nicky pick out three.
Thursday, 3 September 2009
A party to remember - and still rockin'!

Thank you, all my dear human bloggy friends, for your lovely birthday wishes! We've had a party long even by giraffe standards ... The culmination was a necktacular performance by the Stiffnex band at dawn on Tuesday. Have you ever seen about a hundred giraffes doing air guitar? We danced, we sang, we celebrated until the morning mists lifted.
Now I'm resting, but still rocking!

Allow me to show you my wonderful birthday present from Maureen and the kids - a beautiful new rocking chair! It's just the right height for my neck, and makes a lovely creaking noise.
Tuesday, 25 August 2009
It's my birthday!

Wednesday, 19 August 2009
Spotlight on Nukkle the Drummer!

On my previous post, (oh, my neck - was it really so long ago?!), many of you commented how you loved Nukkle. I thought I'd treat you to a special post about him! (He's all embarrassed and gruff about it, muttering "Mmmvhhhhhhhhh!", but is really rather pleased ...)
So ... Nukkle is the drummer with the Stiffnex band. He isn't terribly tall, but he is big: big hands, big feet, wide neck, and a big heart!

By day he works as apprentice plumber and fitter at the AFF Gas plant, (Anatomically Friendly Flatulence), which powers Neckelchester village. He loves his job! (The picture above shows him with the gas plant's own special band, the AFF Gas Trumpeters).
Nukkle wears his work dungarees wherever he goes, even on stage with the Stiffnex, and keeps his tools in the pockets with his drumsticks.

This means he often gets his drumsticks and spanners mixed up, which doesn't do the drumkit much good at all ...
(You can see a video of him performing with the Stiffnex by clicking here to go to an earlier post).

Down he went, to rise covered in Parsneck Soup!

The drums went bouncing down into the cellar, and are now rather mis-shapen!

Both Nukkle and Necky Becky are good at looking grumpy.

However, Nukkle sweats out any grumpiness when he's playing his beloved drums.
The other great love in his life is his food. Nukkle's idea of bliss is to sit on his favourite bench in the village park and eat his lunch - usually a monster sandwich called the 'Giroffimo'. This is a huge triple-decker made with both white and brown bread. Filled with toasted peppers, onions, garlic, stir-fried bananas, and three different kinds of cheese, it oozes spicy relish and mayonnaise...