Sunday, 15 November 2009

A Tree of Gold

A few days ago I dreamed about a tree of gold.
Dee of 'A Desert Observer' had asked if anyone knew the identity of a lovely tree in her neighbour's garden, and I must have been thinking about the yellow leaves as I went to sleep that night. When I awoke I had the above image very vividly in my mind.
Feeling that there could be some neckouragement in this for my bloggy-friends, I thought I would share it. Maybe it will have different meanings for each of you.


Cloudia said...

Happy Abundance is growing for Giraffe Planet and it's Earthly correspondants!!

Aloha, Tall Friend!

Comfort Spiral

mo.stoneskin said...

I love the way dreams can be formed from a tiny comment made.

There's a dog in my neighbours garden that looks like a little dinosaur. Maybe you could dream about that and then share?


Raph G. Neckmann said...

May you enjoy Happy Abundance, Cloudia, in all the true best things of life!

Raph G. Neckmann said...

Sounds fun, Mo.stoneskin! If you post a photo of dino-dog on your blog I will gaze at it before sleep and see if any dreams follow! :)

Arija said...

Well, well, well, the planted dreams have taken root and grown. Now if they had been raining gold dubloons, you could have held the gold reserve of the whole planet.

Raph G. Neckmann said...

We do not have any gold on our planet, Arija. But we do have beautiful trees.

Heather said...

Could your dream foretell golden moments or opportunities Raph? I'm sure you won't let them pass you by. Our golden tree is an ornamental cherry, but after all these high winds there are fewer golden leaves everyday. It lights up the garden on grey days.

Raph G. Neckmann said...

Maybe that is what the dream means for you, Heather - golden moments and opportunities. Being able to create such lovely textile art as you do is a golden gift and an enjoyment to everyone who sees it.

Tess Kincaid said...

Go for the gold in your life, Raph.

Raph G. Neckmann said...

Thank you, and you too, Willow! A golden willow tree by a silver stream!

Unknown said...

Beautiful. I think of my gingko trees as trees of gold in the fall when all the leaves turn a bright yellow! It's the end of the rainbow for about a month.

Rosemary said...

" to stand back and look beyond the fear", is a wonderful sentiment.
Simple but says so much.
Giraffe world is very wise.

Raph G. Neckmann said...

How lovely, Gaston Studio - gold leaves at the end of the rainbow! When the autumn wind blows among our silver-birch-like trees, we are surrounding by swirling dancing gold. Maybe we become the rainbow.

Anne said...

Beautiful dreams. Dreaming of the color yellow, happiness and joy!

Raph G. Neckmann said...

Thank you Rosemary! One of my hopes and dreams is to live with simple wisdom!

Raph G. Neckmann said...

Choices, thank you! I wish you much happiness and joy!

Barbara Martin said...

My dream book says that beautiful trees are a favourable omen, and since your dream tree seems to be blossoming as well, this predicts unexpected joy.

I expect any project that has a good foundation like a tree will be producing quality fruit in time.

May your abundance increase, Raph.

Raph G. Neckmann said...

Ooh, thank you Barbara! I didn't know there were dream books - thank you for looking it up! I love favourable omens and joy!

May your abundance increase also, Barbara, and your dreams come true.

Rune Eide said...

I must admit that my first thought was that it would be nice to have such a tree, but then again - if everyone had one, its monetary worth would be zero. Money doesn't grow on trees, you know :-)

I think I'll be and an old Fuddy-duddy and say that I prefer the trees the way they are. After all, they have existed for some 100 million years and are doing well. That is, the ones we don't manage to destroy.

Raph G. Neckmann said...

I love the real trees the way they are too, RuneE.

I see my dream tree as symbolic, not something with monetary worth, but symbolizing the true gold of a fulfilling life which exists whether there is money or not!

The Weaver of Grass said...

What a pleasant dream Raph - I didn't think giraffes would dream of anything other than green leaves - but maybe you are a special giraffe. I do miss you when you have a break from blogging.

Raph G. Neckmann said...

Thank you so much Weaver! A special giraffe? - and missed when I'm not around? - lucky me!

I confess, I usually dream of chocolate cake and custard puddings. However, this did seem to be a more deep and meaningful sort of dream!

nollyposh said...

i ~Love~ trees and think that they are *magical* ever since one spoke to me (in tree~language of course!)

Raph G. Neckmann said...

I love trees too, Nollyposh, and they do speak to one, very powerfully.

Clarity said...

You are a talented painter. As for the tree, all that glitters...

I adore your dessert dreams, I think they are special in their own way!

Joy and abundance!

Raph G. Neckmann said...

Thank you Clarity!

Ooh, yes dessert dreams! Last night I dreamed of bread and butter pudding, full of raisins and cinnamon, steamingly hot and surrounded with melting home-made vanilla icecream ...

Joy and abundance to you too, Clarity and may all your desserts be delightful!

Jinksy said...

I think the gold of friendship blossoms from the Blogland Tree which has put downroots all over the world !

Raph G. Neckmann said...

Oh, yes Jinksy! What a wonderful image that creates and how real it is. Friendship is true gold.

Raph G. Neckmann said...

What a beautiful interpretation, Poetikat! I love the idea of each of the leaves representing the friendships that are bringing a warm glow to your heart. My bloggy-friends are thus to me also, and you are one of my earliest bloggy-friends, Kat! Wishing you much happy abundance and extra-delicious custard slices!

A Cuban In London said...

That is a magical golden tree on which to wrap my neck around. Even if it's not as long as yours, my dear giraffe :-)!

Greetings from London.

Raph G. Neckmann said...

May the magical golden tree inspire you to fulfil your dreams, Cuban in London!

Unknown said...

Hi Raph,

Now, where did you say this tree was exactly?!

Raph G. Neckmann said...

Beyond the fear, Derrick! :)

kesslerdee said...

I love your golden leaved tree- it is as beautiful as the little tree in my neighbors yard, which has now lost all of its leaves. Maybe they went to your dreams. Please do send me the portal address so I can send you a starter branch of my little brug! It may not grow money but the flowers smell out of this world! Seems fitting for it to be in your world too.

Raph G. Neckmann said...

Thank you Dee! It's nice to think that the leaves of your next-door tree went into my dreams!

(For me, the money in front of the golden tree represents the fear one has to look beyond to achieve one's dreams - it is not from the tree.)

I would love a branch of your little brug - I will check if it is intergalactically possible! Thank you!

Unknown said...

I think a golden tree would be perfect in my back yard. :)

PS: Thanks for the encouragement. Does that mean I have to clean my studio?

Raph G. Neckmann said...

Adventurous Art Teacher - Art studios always look best when they have not been cleaned, it is so interesting to see all the splashes of paint and bits of paper etc everywhere!

Madame DeFarge said...

I'd like to have that tree in my garden. Maybe I should buy some magic beans and see what pops up.

Lyn said...

For some reason,both the drawing and your words presented me with a very strong deja vu. Same dreams? Why not? Universal mind...

Raph G. Neckmann said...

Madame DeFarge - I think this tree grows in one's inner garden, and by thinking about it it should flourish!

Magic beans sound fun - let me know what they grow into!

Raph G. Neckmann said...

How amazing, Lyn! As you said in a previous comment, I think we must be related! Giraffitude!

Liz said...

At last I have made it to my favourite Giraffe's blog. What a wonderful tree of gold indeed. I hope you have had many a good necky days getting your garden ready for the winter. We have three naughty calves who could do with a good talking to from a wise Giraffe like you.

A big Necky hug and so sorry it's been a long time since I said hello.

Big Necky hug

Raph G. Neckmann said...

Hi Liz! Great to hear from you - I've not been visiting blogs much too because of being up to the neck in our neccentric lifestyle at Necky Knoll House!

I'll gladly come and talk to your calves - Necky Becky would love to see them too.

Big Necky Hugs from us all!

Anonymous said...

Raph, my imagination was captured not by the image itself [as dreaming about money could only mean I wish I had more of them ;-)] but by the first part of the caption: "Stand back and look beyond the fear..." I wonder how far I would have to recede... :-)

Raph G. Neckmann said...

Petra, if you stick your neck out at the same time as standing back it makes it easier to look beyond the fear! :)

olivia said...

(I posted my comment in the wrong spot, Raph!) -- This tree is beautiful!!

Raph G. Neckmann said...

Thank you Olivia! I wondered which one you meant when I saw your comment in the previous post! :) Happy November!

bindu said...

Hi Raph, thanks for checking on me while I was taking a blogging-break. I really love your dream-digging post - what a lovely idea! Made all the more magical with your illustrations. :)

Raph G. Neckmann said...

Thank you Bindu - and glad you are back in the blogosphere again!

We love our dream-digging tradition, and occasionally go out to add another one!

Rush said...

maybe a hidden treasure to be soon unveiled?

Raph G. Neckmann said...

Thank you Rush!

I think maybe the treasure is hidden by one's self and when standing back from fear, the treasure can be seen - true life, the beauty of nature, creativity, freedom ...

BT said...

What a wonderful dream, I always dream I can't walk or am falling down holes and other horrid things. I prefer yours.

Raph G. Neckmann said...

BT - maybe if you write your desired dreams on leaves and do a dream-digging, you will have beautiful dreams as you sleep also!

(Sometimes I have dreams about chocolate cake and Gleeful & Greedy Custard Pudding - and then I have to go downstairs and eat some!)

Totalfeckineejit said...

Hey, Raph.Your dreams have come true, you won Liz's book and the golden leaves are the pages!

Raph G. Neckmann said...

Whoopee, TFE - thanks for letting me know - I've been across to Liz's. I've never been pulled out of a sombrero before! This is a wonderful day - I'm off to tell Maureen and the kids ...

Michala Gyetvai (Kayla coo) said...

A perfect tree cast in gold,which will never shed it's leaves and never grow any older.x

Raph G. Neckmann said...

That sounds wonderful, Kayla coo!