As many of you will know, our eldest daughter Nexi is studying at Art & Design College. Her most recent assignment has been in film.
For her project, Nexi chose to film her younger sister Necky Becky, (pictured above), singing with her boyfriend Neko's band, The Stiffnex.
I expected extreme sibling storms, squalls and shrieks - but no! (Although you may dispute the latter when you watch the film). Nexi and Necky Becky worked together splendidly as a team, together with Neko on guitar, Sgruff on bass and Nukkle on drums.
So here we have it - Nexi's debut pop video, 'Be Who You Wanna Be!' with Necky Becky and The Stiffnex!
I'm a proud dad! But I'm going to hide in the kitchen until it's over ...
Thank you Poetikat! I'll tell Nexi and Necky Becky and the band!
(I'm going to have to look up who Toni Basil is ...)
Very clever, Nexi! Stick that neck out!!
Thank you Willow - I will pass your message to Nexi!
That is a wonderful piece of music to remind us all to go after what we desire. Loved it! More please.
Hi Raph,
I like the beat but I wonder if you have a second pair of ear defenders??!!! Don't tell you know who!
Barbara - thank you! Necky Becky and Nexi will be pleased. More?! I suppose it will not be any noisier than the usual muffled booming of The Stiffnex practising in the cellar ...
I have got a second pair of ear defenders Derrick - I'm wearing them! One set is not enough ...
You know who would be well amused!
What a creative post about your daughter. Your daughter has the right idea, Go for what you want! I liked the beat of the song.
Thank you Choices! Glad you like the song. Here in Giraffe World our motto is 'Stick your neck out for your dreams!'
Good beat (the beginning reminded me just a tad of "Thriller"), good words, great production!
OK, this is about your poem in the post before, as there were too many comments to scroll through! So I've cheated! I thought it was truly beautiful, and think you should stick your neck out and write more of them...
Thank you Gaston Studio! Glad you liked it. (No-one's said 'good voice' yet - hope Necky Becky doesn't read these comments!!)
Thank you Jinksy! I am much encouraged - and will stick my neck out!
Thank you Weaver! I just hope the foundations to the house survive ...
Nexi has good diction which I think is most important. Why write lyrics if they can't be heard. Great beat too. Well done everyone.
Thank you Heather! I agree - I get frustrated when I can't understand the lyrics of songs. Nexi and Necky Becky both like to be heard and understood!
Sgruff is amazing. That bass is a killer. Good stuff. Many thanks. I hope the head-banging did not wreck any necks :-).
Greetings from London.
Thanks Cuban in London - I will tell Sgruff, he takes his music very seriously and will be pleased.
The head-banging was all very neck-friendly. (BTW I do a mean air guitar!)
Lovely video. I feel giraffy just watching.
So wonderful to have talented children,isn't it??? Congratulations!
wow! I'd say dad has some very talented daughters and must be very proud! really enjoyed the video!
Awesomely wonderful. really love this art work! Great Music!
Very "Flashy" if you will pardon the pun! Great work from a creative family.
Glad you like it, Pink Cowboy - thank you! It's great to feel giraffy!
Thank you Pamela! Wonderful as long as you've got two pairs of ear defenders and a teacosy to keep them on!
Glad you enjoyed the video Jeane - thank you!
Thank you Linda! I'm still enjoying watching the dancing parrot video you had on your blog!
Thank you Acornmoon - Nexi's learning all sorts of tekky stuff at college - all a bit beyond me!
Hi Raiph,
Thanks for saying hello.
My children loved the film.
Wish I could be at art college!
That's a great video! Amazing illustrations.
Hi Kayla coo - I'm glad your children loved the film! Nexi loves art college and Necky Becky wants to be a gardener.
Thank you Bindu! Nexi will be pleased.
Great video and the song grows on a second listen (as I am on the cusp of being too old to be an indie rock chick). Fab and I hope they do very well. Good luck with the assignment!
Thank you Madame DeFarge! I'm glad the song grew on you - maybe you'll be singing along to it on your ipod at work?
Oh how FUN!
Your world is what
all worlds should
to Be=
Even sea turtles sport the Giraffe Look!
Aloha, Mr. NECKman!
Thank you Cloudia! We certainly have fun in our world and I'm so glad you are able to join with us!
Giraffe Greetings to your sea turtles in their giraffe-spotted splendour!
Nexi; great video and song , perhaps you should try out for Giraffe World's Idol show......think you would win!
Thank you Rosemary - I will tell Nexi!
Maybe we should have a Giraffe World Idol show here - all of you dear bloggy friends could enter, singing giraffe songs!!
Thankyou for visiting Raph, and for your kind comment. All I can see are the bad bits. Hope you and your family are enjoying a Happy Easter - the weather is certainly doing it's bit.
Raph - I enjoy your blog enormously. I've taken the liberty of passing on the Nobless Oblige award to you, in recognition of how much I enjoy what you do. It's all set out in my blog. Congrats :)
Hi Heather, I couldn't see any 'bad bits' in your illustration - it is beautiful!
Thank you, we are having a lovely Easter and the weather is glorious here too! Happy Easter to you too!
Oooh, thank you Madame DeFarge! I shall go across to your blog and see what is there! (Are there any Easter Eggs in this?)
This is fantastic...I have not gotten the total gist yet but this blog is truly a work of art! It lifts my spirits...I am sorry to see I am invisible....My did that for a bit but finally setteled in. GREAT POST
Thank you Linda! I'm glad my blog lifts your spirits, that is an honour. Regarding the giraffe gist ... we're just sticking our necks out and being who we are!
I may be a bit late in commenting, that's because I'm out of breath from dancing this over and over..just can't get enough..what a beat! Here I go again!
Lyn - that's fantastic - I'm so pleased you are enjoying dancing to the song! It's a great compliment - thank you! I shall tell Necky Becky and Nexi and the band, they will be most pleased.
LOL, I love it! Love it! Well done! That is wonderful ... and a fantastic message to boot. I'm going to try to stick my neck out and be who I want to be this week ... :)
Thank you Olivia - I will tell our necky performers!
Good luck with being who you want to be this week!
Great song! Nexi, Necky Becky and the band should be proud of themselves :) If they do any more songs I'd love to hear them!
Thank you Lauren - I will let them all know your comment! And I'll also let you know when they do more songs ...
Ok...I was totally rocking out to that little ditty. It reminded me a bit of B52's. I am LOVE your giraffe schtick.
Thank you Clorivak! I confess I had not heard B52's - I shall remedy that and listen today!
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