Tuesday, 25 August 2009

It's my birthday!

Today is my birthday! I feel quite bashful about posting this, but Necky Becky is insisting ...
I had a nice cup of tea in bed this morning, (literally, because Hals jumped up and knocked it over), and lots of giraffe cards and presents and gleefulness. We're all having the day off, and tonight ... a big party at Necky Knoll House!
Dear bloggy friends, I hope that you will all indulge in a large piece of cake with us across the intergalactic miles. I wish I could transport you all through a secret portal so you could join in the party celebrations!
Time to go - I'm being summoned by Girth about the menu!


Janet said...

Oh! Happy, happy Birthday Ralph! You share a birthday with our little princess, Sinead! She turned 6 today and got LOTS of presents and cards too! :) Hope it will be a great year!

Rosemary said...

Portal, where the heck is that portal? Oh well, all the best on this momentous day.

Tess Kincaid said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! The cyber cake is delicious! :D

Raph G. Neckmann said...

Thank you Janet! And Happy Birthday to Sinead from all of us at Necky Knoll House! Necky Becky says hello.

Raph G. Neckmann said...

Thank you Rosemary! I too wish we could find that portal, because I would like to try a piece of your Banana Cake with Chocolate and Peanut Butter Icing! :)

Raph G. Neckmann said...

Willow, thank you! Cybercake - I'll have to post the recipe! :)

Caroline Gill said...

Penblwydd Hapus, Raph, as we say in our 'neck' of the woods (sorry!).

Have a terrific day - and by the way, choc. cake is my favourite...

Raph G. Neckmann said...

Thank you Coastcard, I'm having a very Penblwydd Hapus! We'll save you some chocolate cake in case you find a portal from Wales to Camelopardalis!

Brenda said...

I went off my diet just to help celebrate and it was delicious! Happy Birthday!!!

The Weaver of Grass said...

Happy Birthday to YOU,
Happy Birthday to YOU,
Happy Birthday, dear giraffy friend,
Happy Birthday to YOU!

PS Don't eat too much at that party. Enjoy!

bindu said...

Sounds like fun! Have a wonderful birthday!

Raph G. Neckmann said...

Brenda, thank you! I'm sure it won't have set your diet back, because our cakes are all so healthy and full of good things - like chocolate ... Would you like another slice? :)

Raph G. Neckmann said...

Thank you Weaver! I could almost hear you singing ...

I've probably eaten too much already - waffles with mashed banana mixed with syrup and topped with chocolate sauce ...

Raph G. Neckmann said...

Thank you Bindu! I wish you could join in the fun over here.

Ian P said...

I'm just nipping round now to The Secret Portal with bananas, oranges and a cake! Hope I can get though! Happy Birthday Raph (and the other 1/365 of the population who you share it with!)

marigirl said...

Yay! Happy birthday! what a blast of a party! I guess at your shindigs a little cake goes a looooooooong way! ha ha :)

Arija said...

How wonderful Raph, have a very happy Birthday indeed and eat an extra piece of cake for me....better on your girth than mine..enjoy the festivities, every blissful minute of them.

Raph G. Neckmann said...

Thank you Ian!

If you can find the Secret Portal -please could you bring some sprouts too?

(Here on Camelopardalis we have 402 days some years, as some months have an extra day or two which are known as 'nextras'. Giraffes born on such a day are called 'nextraspecials'!).

Raph G. Neckmann said...

Marigirl, thank you! In my case, it's more a situation of a LOT of cake goes a long way! :)

Raph G. Neckmann said...

Thank you Poetikat! It's still early here in Giraffe World, GWT. So there are many hours of eating before the party even starts!

Girth has just finalised the menu, and some of the dishes are: orange and beetroot cake, Knollshire patties, Necky Knoll Noodle Surprise, Giraffitude cake and Sprout Souffle. If you can make it through the portal, (is it still there in your kitchen room?), do bring some custard slices, please!! :)

Chris Hale said...

Yay! Happy birthday Raph! And many more of them!

Lyn said...

I'm still laughing about the cuppa tea in bed..my sense of humor!! What a swell party it must have been..is it still going on?..
...Because I'm determined to find that portal so I can deliver HAPPY BIRTHDAY in person!!

Heather said...

Happy Birthday Raph - I can imagine a riotous evening with music, dancing and delicious food. I think you must be nextraspecial.

Tom Atkins said...

Happy birthday, and how great to have you posting again!

Eryl said...

Happy, happy birthday, Raph, and have a marvellous party. Once it gets dark here I'll have a peer through my telescopic lens and see if I can watch your fireworks.

Rune Eide said...

Well, congratulations! I hope you have put a proper neck-tie for the occasion!

PS You must have Scandinavian roots - calling somebody Hals...

Raph G. Neckmann said...

Thank you Chris - I wish I could have several a year, so I could eat so much often!

Raph G. Neckmann said...

Lyn, it will probably go on for about three days!! So keep looking for that portal - you'd be very welcome to join in our festivities!

Raph G. Neckmann said...

Thank you Heather - my bloggy friends make me feel nextraspecial! We've certainly got music, (with giraffe karaoke), dancing and delicious food. I'm wondering whether I dare sing a solo ...

Raph G. Neckmann said...

Thank you Tom! I'm aiming for more posting and visiting again as autumn draws in.

Raph G. Neckmann said...

Eryl, thank you - and yes, do see if you can see us! Our Camelopardalis constellation is around the area from whence the recent meteor showers appeared. You'll probably be able to hear us too, judging by the noise in the garden - the Stiffnex are performing ...

Raph G. Neckmann said...

Thank you RuneE - I always wear a tie - but at the moment it seems to have slid round behind my neck, and it's got bits of chocolate cake all over it!

Hals is our Neckshund dog - Necky Becky chose his name - I'll ask her where she got it from!

Sara said...

Many happy returns of the day dear Raph!! Don't neck down too much cake!!

Cloudia said...

Happy Happy Birthday!
Hauoli La Hanau!
This has cheered me up considerably; I love parties for those of whom I'm fond - like


Comfort Spiral

Raph G. Neckmann said...

Sara, thank you! I've probably already necked down too much cake, noodles, waffles and Knollshire patties - and there are several hours - maybe days! - of partying yet!

Raph G. Neckmann said...

Cloudia - thank you! I'm glad this has cheered you up - I shall come across and see you.

Barbara Martin said...

Well, what a surprise, Raph! Happy Birthday, and many more exciting ones! From the lovely description of your breakfast, I can only imagine what your dinner is going to be like. Scrumptious I bet.

Raph G. Neckmann said...

Arija - thank you - I've just realized my comment after yours is not there!! I have eaten at least one extra piece of cake for you! And I'm still enjoying the festivities, with little interludes on my neckdrop computer to see all my bloggyfriends!

Raph G. Neckmann said...

Thank you Barbara! All my meals have run into one long snack today! But there's more to come, and I'm just taking a break before venturing onto the little stage to sing - Necky Becky doesn't know so don't tell her!!

Jeane Myers said...

a huge HAPPY BIRTHDAY Raph!!!!! and I will join you in my favorite food group - CAKE! I love birthdays - celebrate hard! :))))

Unknown said...

I'm a day late but just had to wish you a very Happy Birthday.
Hoping you had a wonderful day.

Raph G. Neckmann said...

Thank you Jeane! We're still celebrating - the spare rooms at Necky Knoll House and the Gleeful & Greedy Restaurant are full of guests, and there's still plenty of food!

I'm going to have a snooze shortly, then we're all going for a walk through the lovely golden fields!

Raph G. Neckmann said...

Thank you Adventurous Art Teacher! We'll be celebrating for a few days yet as is our giraffe custom!!

Unknown said...

Happy birthday Raph; cake is yummy.

Raph G. Neckmann said...

Thank you Gaston Studio! I'll try and get a slice of cake through the portal to you!

Unknown said...

Happy Birthday to YOU, Raph! (Belated, I know, sorry!) Guess that means I've missed the cake too? But hope you had a super time.

Raph G. Neckmann said...

Derrick, thank you. There's plenty more cake - I've been trying to have a snooze and the smell of freshly baked cakes woke me! Girth is having fun replenishing food stocks in our kitchen!

Acornmoon said...

Happy birthday Raph and plenty of 'em!

Raph G. Neckmann said...

Thank you Acornmoon! Can I have several a year?

PERBS said...

Many happy returns to the day of thy birth
May sunshine and gladness be given
May God in His mercy prepare you on earth
For a beautiful birthdya in heaven.

Hope your special day was as special as you are.

It sounds like your family knows how to give a paty!

Have an extra slice of chocolate cake for me -- I don't care for chocolate much. Ü

Dropped by to see if you had another bench . . . maybe you got one for your birthday? Ü

olivia said...

Happy birthday Raph ... enjoy every moment! :D

Raph G. Neckmann said...

Thank you so much PERBS! What a lovely poem!

I'll have an extra slice of chocolate cake - maybe you would like some cake without the chocolate - we still have plenty of cakes of all varieties!

I still have some promises of presents - so maybe there will be a bench!!

Raph G. Neckmann said...

Thank you Olivia - we're still partying!!

Michala Gyetvai (Kayla coo) said...

Happy belated Birthday!!
Hope there is cake left!

Madame DeFarge said...

Many happy returns indeed. Sorry that I missed it, but at least I can wish you happy unbirthday too. I can eat the crumbs leftover from your cake

Raph G. Neckmann said...

Thank you Kayla Coo! There is plenty of cake left! See if you can get through the secret portal and join us.

Raph G. Neckmann said...

Thank you Madame DeFarge! I am now enjoying my 'unbirthday' party - we're still celebrating over the weekend. There is plenty of cake left, so you are very welcome to more than just crumbs!

Crafty Green Poet said...

Happy belated birthday greetings! Looks like a nice little party you're having there!

Raph G. Neckmann said...

Thank you Crafty Green Poet! Today is watching the sun rise and a picnic breakfast on the beach!

kesslerdee said...

Happy Birthday Ralph!! I hope you have a long and happy day!

Jan said...

hoppy bird day
two ewes
Hoppy bird day
two ewes
hoppyy bird day
Deer Raphie
Hoppy bird day
two ewes
Sorry it's late sweetie
hope you had a wonderful time - I was at the seaside on holiday
kiss , kiss !!!!

Anne said...

Happy Birthday to you, Ralph. Sounds like you had fun! Enjoy!

Raph G. Neckmann said...

Thank you Dee! It's certainly a long and happy day - it's still happening!!

Raph G. Neckmann said...

Thank you Jan! Necky Becky asks if this is a special birthday hopscotch song! :)

Hope you had a lovely holiday by the seaside.

Raph G. Neckmann said...

Choices, thank you! We're still enjoying and having fun!

The Weaver of Grass said...

If you are still reading comments on this very long list, Raph - do pop over to my blog for the post on Agricultural shows - I took a special picture just for you as a wind in the willows fan.

Silver said...

Happy Birthday.. and many happy returns and blessings! i love girraffes too- very sweet, docile and fascinating animals.

Raph G. Neckmann said...

Oooh, thank you Weaver! I shall hoof across to your blog and have a look!

Raph G. Neckmann said...

Thank you Silver and thank you for the compliment! (Necky Becky says she's fascinating, but not so sure about sweet and docile ... :)

mo.stoneskin said...

Intergalactic miles? Most of my readers are from this galaxy so would love you to point me to those from other galaxies. Happy Birthday. Hope you got the tea stains out of the bed sheets.

Raph G. Neckmann said...

Thank you Mo.Stoneskin! I'll be very happy to introduce you to the folk in our galaxy - but those on our planet are the only ones I know.

The bedsheets were the dark purple set with the orange and brown giraffes on, so the tea stains don't really show! :)

The Solitary Walker said...

Happy Birthday! A week late, I know. Dammit, that cake will be stale by now! Oh, well, at least the portal will not be as busy - just a few tipsy late-goers, and the odd curious lurker looking for a free byte.

PS Did you manage to get some sprouts at this time of year? As you know, they're one of my favourite vegetables too. If you did, perhaps you could give me the cyber-source.

Raph G. Neckmann said...

Thank you Solitary Walker! There is no stale cake - it goes down the neck too quickly for that ... but there are plenty of new ones for the still-remaining guests - you're welcome to a slice (or several) - so hope you find a portal on your walks!

We grow many different varieties of seasonal sprouts over here, so there are plenty all year round for the AFF Gas supply. I was hoping to try some planet Earth sprouts, but none arrived through the portal. However, Girth had plenty of ours to make delicious Sprout Souffle!

A Cuban In London said...

Happy Birthday!!! Belatedly of course :-).

Greetings from London.

Raph G. Neckmann said...

Thank you Cuban in London! We've still got plenty of cake and guests here - I'm trying to get them to help me with mowing the lawns! :)

BT said...

Happy Happy belated birthday wishes Ralph. Another Virgo. Irritating people, aren't we?


Raph G. Neckmann said...

Thank you BT! (I wonder if I am a Virgo, with being on a different planet? Necky Becky says I am definitely irritating.)