Tuesday, 30 December 2008

Sharp Dressed Neckmann

I've decided on my costume for our New Year's Eve Fancy Dress Party!

Initially I had thought of going as Prankman Cheng, but it would have been too complicated for Nexi to sew at such short notice. Who could I be? I was getting my neck in a bit of a twist about it, so I started singing to cheer myself up. As I began one of my favourite songs, 'Sharp Dressed Man', there I had it! I'll be 'Sharp Dressed Neckmann' - in true ZZ Top attire!

Nexi threw up her hands in mock despair when I told her, and said I'd be better calling myself 'Zzzz Up Top'. However, she promised to get my costume together - just a beard, hat and dark glasses really. I'm borrowing one of Neko's guitars, (as long as I promise not to play it ...)

How on earth am I going to eat my sprouts and New Year Pudding with this on?

I've been watching a film of the song, so I get all the actions right. I love the bit where they both kind of bend their knees in synchronisation.

This is going to be fantastic - I so love this track! Hey, everybody ... does Raph rock?!!


Pappy said...

ZZ Top fan? Thanks for dropping by Pappy's Balderdash. Glad you liked it. Come by anytime. Pappy

Raph G. Neckmann said...

That is a coincidence, Kat! I've liked listening to Piaf as long as I can remember, and discovered Jeeves and Wooster more recently.

Have a wonderful New Year!

Raph G. Neckmann said...

Thanks Pappy, I will! Have a great New Year.

Unknown said...

Hi Raph,

This is not really my kind of music - but it certainly has a beat.

Be thankful that you will be able to take off your beard at the end of the party!!

Raph G. Neckmann said...

Hi Derrick - I'll have to find something more classical for my next music posting - a little Raphmaninoff perhaps?

(I'm going to make some of your Sprout Soup for the party so I can drink it through a straw!)

Tess Kincaid said...

Snazzy, Raph!

Happy New Year! :D

Raph G. Neckmann said...

Thank you Willow - I like snazzy!

Happy New Year to you too!

The Solitary Walker said...

That sprout soup is an absolute winner all round!

Have a great evening...

Raph G. Neckmann said...

Thank you SW, we did! Happy New Year!

Barbara Martin said...

Raph rocks! Your blog is great, and when I come here whatever was bothering me disappears.

Raph G. Neckmann said...

Barbara, thank you so much! That is wonderful and I am so glad!

nollyposh said...

Oh my gOOdneSS Raph! THAT clip was tOO cool (Had me dancing like a'head banger! Remember them?!) ...and you tOO Raph ~TOO cOOL!!!~ <3

Raph G. Neckmann said...

Thank you Nollyposh! It was a great party!