We are all amazed that another whole year has passed and our anniversary celebrations are with us again for that wonderful day in April 2008, when I said farewell to accounting! Who would have predicted the nextent to which our lives were to change?
The photo above was taken as I received my lovely leaving gifts at Storey & Tawle, the Raffsburgh accountancy firm I had worked with for so long. (This link will take you to the original post). Oh the joys I have had looking through the lovely telescope - most especially gazing all those light years away to Planet Earth, and knowing that all my dear human bloggy-friends are there!

My first ever blog post was The Escape of a Giraffe Accountant, when I handed in my notice, and since then we haven't looked back! Our new family business Giraffe World Tours was born, we bought our bus, we moved house, we've had nexciting adventures, made lots of mistakes, had lots of fun, grown closer as a family. And we're always moving on to the neckst step of the way! Even when we don't know what it is ...

If I have one nexhortation for you, dear human bloggy-friends, it is this: Stick your necks out for your dreams!
And now it's time to party!
(c) Ingrid Sylvestre - Artist, Designer, Illustrator, Party Caricaturist Durham North East England UK