Monday, 13 April 2009

Les Choses Ordinaires de Raph

Back in the mists of time, (on Tuesday the 10th of March!) Chris Hale , the wonderful wordsmith of Middenshire, tagged me. I am here at long last doing his bidding: listing six things or habits of no real importance about myself ...

Six Choses Ordinaires de Raph

1 It is so quiet here where we live, that at night I can hear the snails chewing.

2 I love eating bananas.

3 I frequently get wonderful new business ideas ...

4 My hot water bottles all have names. (Do you give yours names too?) This one is called Toastie.

5 I have an alter-ego! The mischievous Prankman Cheng - this is another example of Middenshire influence! (You can read about it here).

6 On average, it takes giraffes two attempts to pass their driving test. It took me four. Most giraffes have 2 or 3 types of car in mind to choose from. When I passed my test, I read every brochure in our local McShyne Motors, and then bought the car I had in mind ten years before! (The most important thing is a good neck-rest).


So, dear bloggy friends - at last I have fulfilled my tag! Now I must link back to Chris Hale of The Middenshire Chronicles. (I know I did that earlier but the link here will take you to his current post). The tag consists of listing six things or habits of no real importance about yourself. I will leave this open for six people to take up, as I know it went round in March, and I can't remember who did it then! So if you would like to take up this tag, let me know - and have fun!

Giraffe mugs of tea - Raph's Ramblings by Ingrid Sylvestre UK artist & author


marigirl said...

those bananas look giraff-tastic :)

Raph G. Neckmann said...

They are, Marigirl - they're especially nice on toast!

Linda S. Socha said...

This post is giraffetastic....Love the art work....I aspire to Giraffe attire and kind satire:>)

Raph G. Neckmann said...

Giraffe attire and kind satire! I like it! Thank you Linda.

Cloudia said...

I too like bananas
and seeing things from a high perspective. So lovely visiting!
Aloha Mr. NECKman....

Chris Hale said...

Brilliant stuff as always, Raph...well worth the wait!
You are without doubt the best giraffic artist on your planet!

Unknown said...

Hi Raph,

Such lovely ordinariness! Your snails are CUTE. If Earth ones were similar I'm sure they'd get a much better deal!!

Rosemary said...

Gee I thought it was only n my "neck"of the woods that one could hear snails chewing...... obviously I was wrong........
Enjoyed Middenshire......

Raph G. Neckmann said...

Cloudia - lovely to have you here as always, and thank you!

Seeing things from a high perspective is helpful, both pragmatically and motivationally!

Raph G. Neckmann said...

Thank you Chris!

What praise! I blush - and my daughter Nexi shakes her mane and says "What about ME?!"

Raph G. Neckmann said...

Our snails are indeed cute, Derrick! They eat the dandelions out of the lawns for us, and only the plant leaves that are blemished. Sometimes they leave us fun little messages in their silvery trails, which look lovely when we open the curtains in the morning, sparkling across the lawn!

Raph G. Neckmann said...

Hi Rosemary - it's quite a nice peaceful sound, isn't it? I wonder if I should do a recording to put on the blog ...

Glad you like Middenshire!

Unknown said...

If my snails looked like yours, I wouldn't be chasing them away from my hostas!

Absolutely fantastic!

Raph G. Neckmann said...

Thank you so much, Gaston Studio!

We're lucky that our snails would not eat the hostas!

Jeane Myers said...

okay, the one about "I have a new business idea" and Necky Becky's response, just cracked me up! - it says so much about life at your house....and of course, toastie!

Raph G. Neckmann said...

Hi Jeane - unfortunately my business ideas do get that kind of response!!

Toastie! Still necessary and appreciated during the spring frosts. (Noone has mentioned their names for their own hot water bottles - surely I'm not alone in affectionately naming these faithful friends?!)

The Weaver of Grass said...

Someone once invited me into his garden to hear his cucumbers growing in the evening! (and no, Raph, it wasn't a "chat-up line".)
Although I strained my ears I could not hear the cucumbers growing for the sound of snails chewing! Must go as I want to give my hot water bottle a name!

Raph G. Neckmann said...

I'll have to visit Neckelchester Nurseries to listen to their cucumbers, Weaver!

(I hope you're going to tell us what you've called your hot water bottle).

Madame DeFarge said...

These are gorgeous and funny. I adore the bananas!

The best things are worth waiting for and these are wonderful.

Raph G. Neckmann said...

Thank you Madame DeFarge!

(I shall endeavour to post on the award you honoured me with before next month!!)

Eleanor said...

Hey, there dear Raph! I did enjoy what you don't carry in your briefcase. I also hate cell phones (as we fondly call them here). I do have one and find the SMS function most convenient (cuts out lengthy phone calls which are not my favourite). But sometimes I deliberately lose mine for a couple of hours - or days. I dislike being in constant contact with the world. I mean, only the President of the US needs to be contacted when he is shopping for groceries!

I also like a hot water bottle (re today's blog). We call them 'hotties'! When I was an exchange student in the US, about 100 years ago, my 'family' laughed at me bringing a hot water bottle in my suitcase to snowbound North Dakota. Central heating dealt with cold feet! But I came from darkest Africa and we don't do central heating here!

Raph G. Neckmann said...

Hello Eleanor! Glad you liked my briefcase post. I think 'losing' your cell phone for a few days is an excellent habit!

No central heating? It must be lovely and warm where you are - how wonderful!! We need both central heating and 'hotties'.

Lyn said...

Your illustrations of unimportant things have more merit than most squandered on "deep" matters! Always thank you..for much fun!
And I think I just may take up this offer of yours and list my useless qualities! Soon..Thanks..

Raph G. Neckmann said...

Thank you Lyn. What a lovely compliment!

I look forward to seeing your list!

bindu said...

The giraffe snail is too cute!

Raph G. Neckmann said...

Thank you Bindu! I will put a note outside for the snails to read tonight, saying so!

Pamela Terry and Edward said...

I love bananas too. But only when they are almost green. They ripen so quickly it usually means I have about a fifteen minute window when they are perfect.

Raph G. Neckmann said...

That must be difficult, Pamela! Do you have to buy them in precise staggered stages of unripeness? Or do you just have to eat several if they all have the fifteen minute window at the same time?!

Tess Kincaid said...

Your hot water bottles have names? Now that made me giggle!

Raph G. Neckmann said...

But of course, Willow! How else would I call to them when they fall out onto the floor?

Acornmoon said...

Noisy snails? As my granny used to say when I told her a tall story "I believe you, thousands wouldn't!"

Raph G. Neckmann said...

All giraffe stories are tall stories, Acornmoon!!

Liz said...

Quote "It's so quiet here I can hear the snails chewing at night"

I'll add for mine..."It's so quiet here I can hear the possums chewing up my forest at night"

Great post and it's made me smile. Thank you.

Take care and mind that long neck near the traffic lights I hope they're Giraffe frendly

Take care

Raph G. Neckmann said...

Thank you Liz - I'm glad I made you smile!

I've never heard possums - we haven't any here in Giraffe World, though we do have (friendly!) traffic lights!!

david mcmahon said...

Thanks for the great comment you so kindly left on my blog.

I'm not a giraffe but yes, I've been known to stick my neck out sometimes!

You have a great blog, very lively and creative.

Raph G. Neckmann said...

Thank you David - much appreciated!

Tom Atkins said...

silly me. I had never thought of neck rests! I imagine convertibles (what I drive) are not a giraffe's favorite sort of car.

Raph G. Neckmann said...

Hello Tom. We do have convertibles that are ergonomically designed to be giraffe-neck friendly!!

Happy travelling out West.

Pamela Terry and Edward said...

Hello Raph,

I am happy you liked the painting I posted with my tree posting today. I did not paint it, and unfortunately, I don't know who did. It was one of the many images I have collected over the years. I searched for the artist but couldn't locate them. It's a wonderful painting, though.


Raph G. Neckmann said...

Hello Pamela and thank you! It is indeed a beautiful painting and it would be lovely to find who the artist is.

I so enjoyed your post, as always! Your words are always so inspiring and uplifting.

Unknown said...

My Dear Raph,

When you have a mo, there is a richly deserved award waiting for you, over at my place!

Raph G. Neckmann said...

Thank you so much, Derrick! I've just been over, and am so honoured and touched. I hold you and your blog in the highest esteem.

Leigh Russell said...

Someone should tell those snails to chew with their mouths shut. Love the illustrations. I have to say, I'm partial to bananas and I do like snails (not as food.) I started, randomly, to collect little china/glass/etc snails. My family caught on to this fad and it all grew a little out of hand. I ended up with hundreds of little snail ornaments and no idea what to do with them all. It was fun for a while, but they began to take over... I had to call a halt before I vanished beneath an avalanche of snails... We do have live snails on our front path though. I'm not quite sure why I'm telling you all this. It's not very interesting. Perhaps I'd better go back in my shell before I outstay my welcome.

Raph G. Neckmann said...

Hello Leigh! I love your comment. An avalanche of snails sounds very dramatic! What happened to all the little china and glass snails?

Congratulations on the book and I wish you great success.

Raph G. Neckmann said...

Hi Poetikat! I didn't know that about bananas - I never have any problem sleeping - maybe that's why!

Cream slices - oh yes - but I think of them more as a 'Chose Extraordinaire'!

Leigh Russell said...

Hi Ralph, thanks for your good wishes and for visiting my blog. I have a snail mug that's my favourite, but most of the ornaments are (Leigh hides face in shame) put away in a cupboard... Now you'll probably never want to visit my blog again. I'll crawl back in my shell and sulk.

Raph G. Neckmann said...

Ah, but Leigh - are you sure they are all in the cupboard? Maybe you should check - they may have slid out under the cupboard door and be out in the garden munching the hostas. Can you hear them chewing?

A Cuban In London said...

I loved finding out more about my favourite giraffe family (and the only one I know of :-D!) Many thanks.

Greetings from London.

Raph G. Neckmann said...

Thank you Cuban in London!

The only giraffe family you know of?! I must introduce you to some of our friends!

sandy said...

ahhhh had to look at some more before I am off and running this Sunday late morning...incredibly wonderful blog and art.

Raph G. Neckmann said...

Thank you Sandy! I'm very honoured. Have a lovely Sunday!

Christina said...

i like the last image best, the colors are so dreamy.

Raph G. Neckmann said...

Thank you Down and out chic - our world is quite a dreamy place!