Some items of clothing or accessories start with a very pragmatic use. Take, for instance, the humble tyre. Initially invented to facilitate transport, we giraffes discovered it was also useful for learning to swim. A few tyres worn round our long necks kept us afloat as youngsters until we had mastered the crawl!
However, as the above fashion magazine picture (from our teenage daughter Nexi's bedroom) illustrates, what began sensibly has now become a rather ridiculous fashion accessory. Nexi, of course, disagrees vehemently with me! (At least I never have to carry a spare when she's on the bus with us!)
I wonder how many fashions begin completely unintentionally?
In my last post I had hoped to develop something that had begun as a grooming faux pas into a stylish fashion statement!
I had worried that you might all think I was standing for UK Prime Minister ... My fears were unfounded ... no-one even noticed! At first I thought you were all being polite. Then I realized, of course, you were all focussed on Derrick's lovely photos!
So here I go again - under the spotlight!

Before you all think I've gone totally neccentric, let me explain that this is all the result of reading a wonderful post by The Weaver of Grass entitled 'Is it just me?'
neccentric - I like that! There's a kernel of truth in it though that many fashions start unintentionally.
That post Weaver did was brilliant. I have lots of Tyres all sizes and shapes Raph I'm sure I could decorate some to match your gorgeous Giraffe spots perhaps? I just love those illustrations they really do make my week. And those chickens have now found out my vegetable garden has a fence that bites. They're now staying well away.
Take care
At least Nexi can take off the tyres , this new fashion of tattoos can not, my editorial comment!
Loved The Weavers post.
I rather like your stylish wearing of and correct me if I am wrong pjs as formal wear...........Really was concentrating on where to place the pictures ..........LOL
Why not stand for PM, Raph - you may well make a better job of it than the present incumbent.
Thank you Jeannette. I'm proud of my neccentricity!
I believe denim started as a pragmatic workwear and how wonderfully ubiquitous it is now!
Glad you like the illustrations, Liz, thank you!
I'm sure I've seen tyres painted and used as planters. I wouldn't be inclined to grow edible plants in them in case there was something in their composition, but ornamental plants would look fun in giraffe-painted tyres! I wonder if anyone knows about the suitablility of this on planet Earth? (Our tyres in Giraffe World are made entyrely from eco-friendly and healthy components!)
Pyjamas as formal wear, Rosemary?! This is my best pinstripe suit! I am wearing my pjs and dressing-gown on the picture where I'm looking through my telescope, though!)
You've made Nexi's day - she's now telling all her friends that people think her Dad's suit is pyjamas. (She's getting her own back for me criticizing her fashion accessories!)
I'm probably too idealistic, Weaver, (though Solitary Walker may disagree!) They'd have to raise the height of all the doors in 10 Downing Street, and I'm no good at maths. Yet ... I wonder ... it could be fun ... what would we call ourselves?
Dear Raph,
If anybody doubted that you and your family, Raph, are truly based in Camelopardalis, and not somewhere in sub-Saharan Africa, this post provides the truth.
There was a sharp intake of air, which had Pommes flying, when I opened your post and saw the first image.
If you don't know what necklacing is, don't check it out, as it is horrific twentieth century earth crime, and another reason why Nelson Mandela did not maintain ties with his ex-wife.
But, I am not sure why you would think that a resident of Camelopardalis could vote, let alone run in a riding in Great Britain.
Even British citizens, residing abroad, cannot vote, let alone stand (or run) for election.
Fiat justitia ruat coelum (let justice be done though the heavens may fall) was not meant to give Camelopardalis citizens the chance to vote, let alone stand for election in Great Britain.
That famous latin tagcame from a famous civil rights case in England that held that slaves in slavers were free if they were transported into England when, by then, slavery was outlawed. Fiat justitia ruat coelum, said the judge. Who cares what the economic and political consequences of this judgment are... let justice be done though the heavens may fall...
Nexi, though, I am sure looks delightful both with and without her spare tyres.
Isn't it always astonishing how something we so desperately want at one stage in our life becomes a bane later on? I for one, always wanted to shave. Now? A horrendous waste of time for me. And Nexi wants to have spares tyres...
You are correct, Sepiru Chris, I have never heard of this. I won't check it out if you think I should not.
I'm not seriously considering coming to planet Earth to be Prime Minister - I've only just escaped from being an accountant! And I do like living on our planet.
Shaving? What is this?
Hello Raph,
Nexi brings a whole new meaning to the term "carrying a spare tyre"! I sometimes wonder if I'm carrying one myself but not around my neck!
How silly of us not to spot your trouser in sock! All that talent wasted Raph!!
Nothing was wasted, Derrick - I was chuckling all week! And as I remarked, no-one was going to notice my sock when they had your pictures to look at!
Cute post, Raph! :)
One thing is for certain, with a glorious neck like that, pearls are a must!
Thanks, Willow - glad you liked it!
Does my best pinstripe suit really look like pyjamas, Poetikat? Maybe it's just the effect of the light ... it was a bit creased too ...
This truly would be a totally unintentional fashion statement!
Thank you Pamela - I'm sure Nexi would be very pleased!
I'd better not tell her though, because I can't afford to buy her pearls as well as paying her college fees!
two camps in fashion - those that 'do' and those that 'don't' and those that 'do' have great disdain for those that 'don't' and those that 'don't' have greater disdain for those that 'do!' alas!
This is true, Jeane!
With Nexi, I think she's glad I grumble at her fashion ideas, she would think it so uncool to wear something her parents actually liked! Necky Becky couldn't care less either way.
Me - I'm just pleased I've found a way of keeping the hems of my trousers dry when the lawn is wet!
I've watched fashions start first hand - when my teenage daughter or one of her friends threw something together almost randomly, that got picked up by a few friends and on and on till the whole school was doing it. Yes, accidental fashion happens and I like it far more than the fashionista-generated variety.
That sounds really fun and creative, Tom!
I'm never very sure of ear muffs. I'm not sure that you would have much call for them, they become tangled in the branches and leaves. And they are not a good look for anyone.
You are quite right, Madame DeFarge. The plastic bit over the top would chafe against our horns too.
(Although I do know a human who insists that wearing earmuffs in the cold weather stops her from getting a sore throat!)
Unintentional fashion...The stilletto heeled shoe was initially favored as a torture device during the middle ages. Banished for centuries, finally brought back to keep modern women on their toes.
They certainly look as if they'd be uncomfortable, Lyn! Maureen and my sister Nektareeni both wear high heels. Nexi favours platforms.
I want to know who does your drawings; if you Raph, you are madly talented!
LOL ... just returned from the Weaver's.
Purple stripe-y socks, well they just ask to be shown and not hidden away ... ;-)
Perhaps if Mr Brown had carried a large parchment roll or something similar no one would have noticed his sock either ... :-)
Drawings, Gaston Studio? I'm just a simple giraffe - I thought they were photographs of me and my family!
I'm glad you like them - thank you!
They are rather nice socks, aren't they Olivia!
Maybe if Mr Brown is reading this, he'll start carrying a roll of parchment around ...
I am so glad with all the comments on global warming. To night I continue to linger a little bit longer on this subject with Sky Watch.
Care of one's planet is vital, Reader Wil, I shall come and look at your next post.
I think you should stand for UK Prime Minister. We could do with someone with all four feet on the ground and who is not afraid to stick his neck out for the man (or giraffe) in the street. You'd get my vote. I love Weaver of Grass's blog and read it every day.
Well, Heather, no-one has ever said that to me before! Thank you for your compliments.
I think your description of a suitable Prime Minister is wonderful: 'We could do with someone with all four feet on the ground and who is not afraid to stick his neck out for the man (or giraffe) on the street.'
You've made my day! But I'd better stick with running Giraffe World Tours and being whimsical ...
I love your sweet, whimsical world, Mr. Neckman.
Thank you Cloudia!
We're all enjoying one of Girth's nexceptionally sweet and whimsical carrot cakes today for pudding - lovely and soggy and spicy with loads of icing on. Wish you were here to share it with us!
Hah! Fashions can always get so crazy, especially in the teenage set. Tires! I love it!
Thanks Lauren. I'm wondering what Nexi will come up with next!
I'm curious to know if any tires will do or if they must be sparkly or see-through or blue?
Whatever you like best, Marigirl! Nexi prefers sparkly pinky-mauve tyres. (I have never seen any see-through ones. That could be quite creative, with silk flowers inside etc - I'll mention this to Nexi! Thanks Marigirl!)
It's me again - I thought I had already clicked on the follow me sign, first time I visited your blog - I love the painting on the right side that says "Spring awakening." It is such a dreamay scenne.
Thank you Jeannette!
I find Spring quite a dreamy time -there is that wonderful feeling in the air.
Wow, I'm on your blog a lot lately - thanks for the comment on our wisteria and lemons. Please, do me a favor and click on the Follow me" button on my blog, so you'll appear on my blogroll and I can see immediately when you have a new post. Thanks!
~Love~ your blog! X:-)
Hi Jeannette - I'm currently unable to see either my Following Widget, or any other bloggers' following Widgets when I visit their blogs. This is since Google changed the widget to the current style. Every now and then I am able to see mine for a few minutes, then next time it has vanished again! Somewhat frustrating ... !!! I hope it will soon be rectified - looking at comments elsewhere, I see I am not the only blogger with this problem.
Thank you, Nolly Posh! I shall come across and have a good read at your blog when I get back to Necky Knoll House today!
ahhaa all those tires around the neck..hehe.
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