Tuesday, 12 January 2010

The Interneck is running slow!

I don't know about you friends on planet Earth, but our Interneck has been running really slow ... I have considered sending my comments to you by snail mail, as it may be quicker!

There doesn't seem to be anything wrong with our phone connecktion ...

So I looked through my telescope to see if I could spot anything amiss in the space between our worlds. All looked peaceful and harmonious.

Maureen suggested I speak to our computer nexpert, Nekky Tekky. Rather surprisingly he told me to bring the bus, the family, warm clothes and skis!

I followed his instructions, and we all set off on a journey to our polar regions. As on planet Earth, many of our server farms are situated there to keep the servers cool. Nekky Tekky suspected this may be where the problem lay.

The family wandered around enjoying the ethereal scenery, while Nekky Tekky muttered around in the server farm.

We were summoned by his triumphant squeal, "Pengrins!"

Our problem, dear bloggy friends, has been caused by colonies of pengrins warming their bottoms on the heat rising from our underground servers and blocking the intergalactic cyber-waves!

We didn't have the heart to move them, so I'll just have to put up with slower blogging ... I guess it'll give me time to eat more chocolate biscuits while the comments load up!


Salon Delucca said...

slow is good, we all get there in the end - and more time for chocolate biscuits - two very good things :)

Barbara Martin said...

Those pengrins are so cute! How could anyone possibly be cranky with them.

Pamela Terry and Edward said...

Makes perfect sense to me! We're all trying to keep warm here!

Paulie said...

What a find! I love the results! Hope those pesky fellows move on tho so you can get online faster in the future. Will they get a cut in your royalties for the story?

Rune Eide said...

That is the best excuse for slower connections (and reduced blogging?) I have ever seen :-)

Really delightful, and I'm sure that Nekky Tekky will sort it all out. It is after all easier to see a pengrin that a bug (or bugraf?)

mo.stoneskin said...

If only you had rung me this morning before I got into work. I have a JCB with a special penguin-removal add-on and I would have been happy to pop over with it.

Heather said...

Pengrins you say - I never thought of that. Would that apply to earthbound appliances? Mine is so slow sometimes I have to go and do little tasks in between functions to retain my sanity. That little blue rotating circle has become the bane of my life. Patience is a virtue so I'm told - pity it wears thin so quickly!! Keep warm. Love the drawings as usual.

Unknown said...

I must agree. It took two tries and half a hour later I was reading your post. Glad to know I don't have a problem with my computer.
Just love the long neck intergalactic penguins.

Jasmine said...

Those pesky penguins! What would we do without them though? I love your illustrations.

Raph G. Neckmann said...

This is so true, Jeane - I've eaten nearly half a tin full of biscuits while logging on today!

Raph G. Neckmann said...

Barbara, they are indeed cute, and seemed to really enjoy posing for photographs!

Raph G. Neckmann said...

Pamela - we're all eating porridge with fried bananas in - very warming! Greetings to Edward!

Raph G. Neckmann said...

Paulie - I think they move from time to time to go and eat, and play hopscotch in the snow.

Raph G. Neckmann said...

Thank you RuneE! I hope it is also a nexcuse for a chocolate-biscuit-induced increase in waistline!

Raph G. Neckmann said...

Oh, mo.stoneskin, thank you! If only I had known - we could have borrowed it to shovel up our week's supply of chocolate biscuits from Neckelchester!

Raph G. Neckmann said...

Heather, thank you!

Maybe we should invent a special energetic little dance called the Slow Interneck or something. This would work off impatience, chocolate-biscuit-induced-flab, and keep one warm too while waiting for the little blue circle to go round!

Raph G. Neckmann said...

Adventurous Art Teacher - it's obviously a planet Earth problem too and not just confined to Camelopardalis. Maybe a nexpedition should be sent out to the polar regions on Earth to distract the pengrins from the servers? A nextra large-screen TV maybe showing films of our pengrins playing hopscotch in the snow?

Raph G. Neckmann said...

Thank you Jasmine! Pesky pengrins sounds good, I'm sure they'll like that name!

Anne said...

Sometimes it is okay to be slow. Makes us appreciate life. Even to relax and enjoy those chocolate biscuits. I would love to be eating
one of those biscuits right with you in your world.
Have a wonderful day.

Tess Kincaid said...

Those pesky pengrins!

Raph G. Neckmann said...

Choices - if you can find a Secret Intergalactic Portal and make your way to Necky Knoll House, you are most welcome to eat chocolate biscuits with us!

Raph G. Neckmann said...

They are pesky, aren't they, Willow! But too likeable to move ...

Unknown said...

Hi Raph,

I could use some of that bottom warming technology around here! Any biscuits left?

The Weaver of Grass said...

Giraffes eat choccy bikkies? How do they keep so slim?

Raph G. Neckmann said...

Hi Derrick - I wonder if one can get heated rocking-chairs? I could do with one here!

We've just got a load more biscuits from Neckelchester, so you're welcome to call round for a cuppa. I'll be having a tot of honey-rum in my mug of tea this evening, I think!

Raph G. Neckmann said...

Because we've got such a lot of neck, Weaver! Yummy, these new biccies have orange in too! Jiraffa cakes.

Arija said...

Raph dear, fancy seeing you in the same boat as me! I wonder, could it be pengrins here too? After all we are close to the Antarctic although last week we had 42C temps for three days running ana few more to make sure we knew what it was bout at 38C.

Aren't you glad though that you went to the source of the problem and could enjoy all that marvellous scenery? I certainly am.

Sara said...

Oh how your post made me laugh. A fiend of mine has a broken ankle & is trying to work from home but has been thwarted but infuriating tekky problems. I shall let her know about pengrins! Maybe BT can check if they've managed to teleport to our world too! I'm so glad that you've allowed the pengrins to stay for now - they look delightful chaps. xx

Raph G. Neckmann said...

Ooh, Arija that does sound hot! Too warm even for giraffes. Maybe you should have a refreshing trip to the Antarctic in search of pengrins!

And if you can find a secret portal, do visit us here, and we'll have some nice cool ice-cream for you - how about Gleeful & Greedy Custard flavour, from Girth and Nektareeni's restaurant?

Raph G. Neckmann said...

Sara - I'm glad you've visited - I've been trying to leave a comment on your blog several times, and it won't go through! It was so good to read about your rooster and the love and care you have for him. Maybe I should tell the pengrins, then they'll all march through the Secret Intergalactic Portal to your house, for warmth and food, and our Interneck speed will get back to normal again!

Raph G. Neckmann said...

Poetikat - I'm now alternating the time between eating choccy biccies and doing nexercises to music to burn off the calories!

Cloudia said...

So lovely!!!!!

Ahoy & Aloha, Friend!

Comfort Spiral

Raph G. Neckmann said...

Thank you Cloudia! Ahoy & Aloha also, dear friend!

Caroline Gill said...

Such a fun post, as ever, Raph and the giraffe clan ! You have brightened up my morning - a nexcellent start to my day!

Raph G. Neckmann said...

Coastcard, thank you! I'm glad to have brightened your morning and hope your day continues to be nexcellent!

Pondside said...

Thank goodness you got to the bottom of the problem!

Raph G. Neckmann said...

Nexactly, Pondside! :)

Rosemary said...

What a spectacular polar region. How amazing the Pengrins also have long necks and spots... If I can find the portal I would happily knit Neckwarmers for the family. Might take a while tho.

Raph G. Neckmann said...

Rosemary, all our inhabitants of Giraffe World have long necks and spots!

Thank you, and I wish you could find our portal - you'd be very welcome to visit for afternoon tea, with or without neckwarmers for the family! Nexi would love to know your style of knitting them - she had us all trying to knit them too, but I didn't do very well!

Lyn said...

As long as we stay conneckted, who cares what the method is!
Been crashing a lot lately..what if we had to go back to penmanship?

Raph G. Neckmann said...

Lyn, we could have a special penmanship-spaceship to take comments back and forth from planet Earth and Camelopardalis!

Arija said...

Yes please Raph, particularly the greedy bit!

Raph G. Neckmann said...

Certainly, Arija - Gleeful & Greedy Custard flavour ice-cream for you when you visit! Hope you can find a secret intergalactic portal ...

Eryl said...

Oh how I do like a new reason to eat chocolate biscuits! Glad you are managing to stay connected.

Raph G. Neckmann said...

Eryl - maybe we should write a long list of reasons to eat chocolate biscuits!

Madame DeFarge said...

I love the pengrins. Truly an instant favourite, however inconvenient they may be to you. I'll look after them if you wish. I could do with the distraction.

Raph G. Neckmann said...

Thank you Jen! I'm eating toasted fruitloaf with orangey bits in at present, as a change from choccy biccys!

Our daughter Nexi suggested knitting bottom-warmers for the pengrins - don't know if they'd wear them though ...

Raph G. Neckmann said...

Madame DeFarge - what a nexcellent idea - thank you for the offer! Maybe you could take them for rides on snow-mobiles?

A Cuban In London said...

Sometimes slowing down is all we need to have a good laugh. I loved this post so much. The images, the text, the genius behind it. Many thanks my neckie friend. :-)

Greetings from London.

Raph G. Neckmann said...

Cuban in London, thank you so much! I'm really honoured by your compliments and glad you love the post.

Time to celebrate with tea and chocolate biscuits!

Acornmoon said...

Those pesky pengrins, when will they learn.

Raph G. Neckmann said...

They are pragmatic, Acornmoon, and rather cheeky, but we've grown fond of them!

Arija said...

Just stopped by to check that the interneck was not depriving me of your next nexiting post.

Pengrins still smiling??

Raph G. Neckmann said...

Hello Arija and thank you for calling in! The pengrins are still smiling, and slowing down our Interneck - it's taken me a few minutes even to access my own Comments box...

We've all been so busy I've not had the time to post or visit around my bloggy friends. (Not even had time to eat lots of chocolate biscuits!!) Now the snow's gone, we've been busy in the early sprout gardens, and we've had some adventures I'll soon tell you about ...

sandy said...

haaa wonderful post and drawings!

Raph G. Neckmann said...

Sandy, thank you! The pengrins are still there ...

Clarity said...

You find the positive from a negative - congratulations!

My internecky has been slow too, mother wants to ring it's internecky, but I stopped her.

P.S. I liked the telescope one, the painted moon is luscious.

Raph G. Neckmann said...

Thank you Clarity!

Our Interneck is still slow, although the pengrins are showing signs of moving off, so hopefully it'll speed up again soon!

It is also taking ages, or sometimes seemingly impossible, to access comments - on my own blog and others' also. Nekky Tekky should be sorting this for us soon - it can be nexasperating!

Country Girl said...

You are so much fun. Who else but you could make a slow internet connection an event that has people smiling?

Raph G. Neckmann said...

Country Girl, thank you!

I'm always glad to make people smile.

Our slow Interneck, although at first rather inconvenient in stopping me from blogging and visiting all my dear bloggy friends, has actually been rather serendipitous, in that the whole family has been involved in a great and time-consuming nexcapade ... those pengrins must have known! More about this soon ...

Anonymous said...

What a suspenseful story with a surprising revelation, Raph! One never knows what comes next... :-)

BTW, I was quite surprised that when you were looking through your telescope, all looked peaceful and harmonious between our worlds. Something is amiss in our world as we miss harmony and peace too often... I am really glad that this bad temper hasn't spread into your world yet! Keeping my fingers crossed... ;-)

Anonymous said...

Raph, it is always great to get to the bottom of a problem, isn't it? You can't do anything but at least you know why... :-) Great story!

Linda S. Socha said...


Miss your posts!


Madame DeFarge said...

Are you coming back soon? You are missed.

Ellie Great said...

Great blog.

Could you please vote for my son http://gomad.co.nz/contestent.php?id=84
Thank you.

Clarity said...

You've been away. Has the internecky done a bunk.

Hope you're well. Drop by the blog when you get a chance, ciao.


Leigh Russell said...

I haven't been here for a while but I see you're still as creative as ever!