It was with great nexcitement that I went looking for our Tours bus the other day ... I had heard from the keeper of the Secret Intergalactic Cacti that there was a package from Bindu awaiting me at the Portal!
Our eldest daughter Nexi had neatly written all the entrants' names on pieces of paper and dropped them into our favourite teapot. Littl' Nicky was bouncing around with nexcitement as Maureen placed the teapot on a little stool so he could reach into it to draw the first winning name.
"Here!" called Nexi, "I'll read it out - Number One - BT The Crafty Gardener!"
There was a round of applause, and Maureen and I did a little dance.
There was a loud shriek from Nexi as something wet and soggy landed in her hand. It was a teabag!
Necky Becky glared and looked sulky.
We all cheered again.
Nexi peeled open the soggy paper.
"Dad, there are two slips here - stuck together with the wet!"
"A nextra prize, a nextra prize!" chanted Littl' Nicky joyfully.
Maureen looked at the pieces of paper. "This is thanks to Necky Becky not emptying the tea - we have four lucky winners instead of three!"
"Number Three, Barbara Martin!" she yelled, "And Number Four, Heather!"
So here we are - congratulations to the four lucky winners of our first Giraffaway! I will be contacting you to organize the intergalactic dispatch of the giraffe cards you have chosen.
Thank you to all dear bloggy friends who entered, it's been great fun and I'm sure this will be the first of many Giraffaways at Necky Knoll House!
And another cause for nexcitement at Necky Knoll House is that Maureen and I have launched an Interneck shop for our giraffe cards, which we have called Giraffe Greetings!